elgin watch company

Welcome to the history of the Elgin National Watch Co. “For accuracy in time keeping, beauty of movement and finish, your watches challenge my admiration and arouse my pride as an American, and I am confident that in all respects they will compete successfully in the markets of the world with similar manufactures of older nations. Founded in 1864 in Elgin, Illinois, the Elgin Watch Company (also known as the Elgin National Watch Company) was the largest American watch manufacturer in terms of total production. Explore how the Elgin National Watch Company went from thisHow did it fare through the roaring 20s, the Great Depression, and It’s a fascinating story told in company publications such as On the way we’ll examine the development of the watch industry in the United States. By 1964, after a Mid-Century decade that saw the rise of the elite “Lord and Lady Elgin” series, the original Elgin factory closed.

C. G. HAMMOND, OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT U.P.R.R., 1869Welcome to the history of the Elgin National Watch Co.This website draws on historic public domain documents to tell the history of an iconic American brand.

The aesthetic of this watch is the epitome of exotic and ornate. The Elgin National Watch Company was founded in 1864 in Elgin, Illinois as the National Watch Company, and some of the organizers were later to become the some of the biggest names in the American watch industry: J. C. Adams, P. S. Bartlett, D. G. Currier, Otis Hoyt, and Charles H. Mason, with financial backing from former Chicago Mayor Benjamin W. Raymond. Elgin timepieces were trusted by an industry in which time was a paramount concern.. Elgin had helped define the American pocket watch as unsurpassed in “Railroad Accuracy.” By 1930, the post Civil War dream factory imagined by a handful of American entrepreneurs had produced 32 million “time machines.”While their altruism was vital to the war effort, Elgin’s patriotism ironically opened an opportunity for the Swiss. On the case is an engraving of a tiger on the top and… The first watch Elgin made, an 18 sized B W Raymond railroad grade watch, was finished in 1867 and over the next 100 years, they went on to … By 1910, word of Elgin’s obsession with precision had spread around the world. the history of an American brand | © 2020 elginnationalwatches.com Elgin National Watch Company In the spring of 1864 half a dozen ambitious Chicago businessmen decided that if Massachusetts could build a factory that built watches – Illinois could, too. You may have noticed a new addition on the menu “NWCo”, this will cover the years 1864 – 1874. Comments, suggestions and inquiries, please contact us using our The Union Pacific Railroad joined with the Central Pacific Railroad in 1869 (just 5 years after the founding of Elgin National Watch Co.) to become the Transcontinental Railroad. The founders of the Elgin National Watch Company recognized that there was a need for good quality, reliable watches that could be sold and repaired relatively inexpensively using factory made replacement parts that didn’t require hand adjusting. Over the course of a century, the dream factory just north of Chicago had produced half of all jeweled pocket and wristwatches manufactured in the United States.The legendary Elgin watch has become woven into the fabric of America: Harper’s magazine summed their sentiment perfectly: “It was the genuine, audacious, self-reliant Western spirit.” A Quick History of the Elgin National Watch Company Elgin was founded in 1864, right as the civil war was coming to an end. Elgin Watch Company: NTP scripts: XStar: Bidwatcher : A Two-Tone grade 345 "transit" movement Elgin Watch Databases Although it may require some digging, a lot of useful information can be found out about Elgin watches by using these databases. In fact, Elgin produced approximately half of the total number of “better quality” pocket watches manufactured in the United States. Elgin engineers built their own Observatory to maintain scientifically precise times in their watches. Its been a while since we have added to the site but don’t worry, we have been busy building a Delorean to travel back to 1864 and find some undiscovered coverage and details from the start of National Watch Company that is sure to impress. Later, their accurate “wristlet” watches proved to be vital to the WWI war effort, helping to fuel a craze back in the states for something called “The Wrist Watch.” By the opulent Jazz Age, if you weren’t displaying the exuberant symmetry of an Elgin wrist watch or carrying a svelte, distinctive Elgin pocket watch, then who were you?

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