opal tometi nicolás maduro

Literally about it. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.

Remember when we called Saddam a hitler, but only after we supported him in defeating Iran.Remeber Gadaffi in which the media elite also likened him to Hitler? La brutaldiad de la policía, los asesinatos a los negros, la violencia contra la comunidad afrodescendiente, todo es prueba de la violencia del Estado».Durante la visita de Tometi a Caracas, la activista hizo alusión a la victoria de la oposición en la Asamblea Nacional, catalogando el proceso como una “continua intervención de los Estados Unidos”.Según la activista la derrota parlamentaria de Maduro dejaba expuesta la integridad de la población afrodescendiente en el país suramericano.Tometi se refirió al supuesto apoyo por parte de Estados Unidos a las “guarimbas de la oposición”, en 2014, que, según ella, dejaba como resultado el fallecimiento de 43 personas y daños multimillonarios a la propiedad privada.“Denunciamos el espionaje estadounidense contra Venezuela, la vigilancia ilegal de PDVSA, la violación del espacio aéreo y la sanciones”, exclamó la estadounidense de origen nigeriano.Currently in Venezuela. Bajo la […] We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. Nearly 10,000 died two years prior; in 1997, that number was 440. If we don't do this right now, all these bad things are gonna happen! Of course they'll stop that right after this is all done.The URSS and USA were basically fighting for power in Chile, Cuba and URSS were heavily involved in Allende's government.best case scenario would have been none of them putting their hands in another country but it happened and USA won, if USA hasn't gotten involved then Chile would be in the same situation Venezuela is now.That's funny, you are just repeating what most of the mainstream media says, I don't get how your post is the most upvoted comment in this thread.I have first hand accounts of how bad it was/is in Venezuela. "But don't worry guys, it's just going to be temporary. Remember when Hitler defended his country from Jews who were taking it over and then the Jews convinced America that Hitler was mass genociding Jews and the Germans needed to be defeated? Don’t take this lightly, it would be a disaster if this happened to the US.This may all be true, but it also doesn't devalue the point that Venezuela has killed more people by law enforcement despite a smaller population and this is eerily what happens when a government bans guns.We called Hitler a Hitler, but only after our 1% funded his roads, weapons, and rallies, and profited off the concentration camp slave labor and benefited from his wrecking the USSR.We called USSR an "evil empire", but only after Wall Street funded the Bolsheviks into power and leaving them to clean up most of the metastasized Nazi cancer for us.Could you link me to anything in Guatemala please? UU. Wait til you find out what America is doing and has done to Latin America. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Now they just say someone "is Hitler" and the pieces fall right into place.As a Venezuelan that had to move to the states because of Maduro’s presidency this is so disappointing and disturbingMany people on this sub and reddit generally seem to fetishize dictators such as Maduro so long as they are of the correct political affiliations (i.e., they are "left wing").The CIA potentially whacked Chavez and they want Maduro out to replace him with a puppet who will give up Venezuela's oil to the private oil companies.Venezuela's economy is fucked because the oil companies conspired to raise the price of oil over $100/barrel. (Foto: @Ignacio_Uria /Twitter) Al respaldar a un tirano como Maduro muestran que no están en contra de la violencia policial, sino que quieren que el poder de pisotear a opositores esté en manos de sus aliados. Consider reading about CIA intervention in Chile, Guatamala.
**The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. (Foto: @Ignacio_Uria /Twitter) Bajo la consigna Black Lives Matter (las vidas negras importan) manifestantes dicen combatir el abuso policial en EE. Along with self described "queer" co-founders Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors, BLM has called for the extermination of the white race. Such a relief to be in a place where there is intelligent political discourse.Su encuentro en Caracas no fue del todo grato. Lo que vivimos es la manifestación del racismo antinegro y esto es violencia estatal, hay que llamarlo por su nombre. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. ...there is history here.Remember when that was the reason we had to take off our shoes at the airport? Muchos seguidores de la red social Twitter, criticaron su visita, expresaron su enojo y rechazaron sus alocuciones.En las recientes protestas estadounidenses a raíz de la muerte de George Floyd a manos de un polícía en Minesota, promovidas en gran parte por el movimiento Black Lives Matter, No está confirmado si Nicolás Maduro ha financiado las protestas escenificadas por BLM, pero la relación se mantiene entre ambos actores. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Ella es la Cofundadora de Black Lives Matter "Opal Tometi" (a la derecha) con Nicolás Maduro en caracas. Tometi has largely kept silent on Maduro’s police brutality.

She is the Co-founder of Black Lives Matter ′′ Opal Tometi ′′ (right) with Nicolás Maduro in Caracas. Opal Tometi participó activamente en actos del chavismo y sus elecciones fraudulentas.

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