miller and julie the expanse

Why did Julie see Miller and the bird just before dying.

At least I suspect they mean the bird as a symbol for Julie on the show.It could be from Miller's perspective - that fixes the bird and necklace.He wouldn't be imagining himself with the hat, though, not at that point in time.Part of me wants to like the scene, because I'm easily sold on that stuff and a certain amount of symbolic imagery fits Miller's storyline, and a part of me is annoyed because it doesn't make sense and is not consistent with how the symbolism has been used previously, which in the end only does the scene a disservice.There have been tender moments in the show that can be interpreted symbolically if one wishes to (Miller & the bird, Miller & leaving the hat behind, Miller & necklace, Avasarala walking over the snowy plain), but none of them are unreal and impossible. Auf der Erde kommen in der UN-Flottenkommandantur Spekulationen auf, dass eines oder mehrere Stealth-Schiffe im System operieren, wobei nicht klar ist, ob sie zur Marsflotte gehören. The sentience isn’t just a reactionary impulse either. I've always thought the bird was pivotal to Miller's character arc. Während der andauernden politischen Spannungen zwischen Erde, Mars und dem Gürtel enthüllen sie die größte Verschwörung aller Zeiten. We asked Mark Fergus, series “People inevitably come together during conflict, but tensions aren’t so easily solved by a moment of crisis” he told … I'm also presuming Miller is hallucinating because of the rad poisoning. a Writer? Why did Julie see Miller and the bird just before dying. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. VFX guy? Why it appears to Mao, idk.Then again, with the pose, beads and bird it felt like a noir version of a Hindu deity.You see Julie watching the feed of Dawes with the martian water incident.

Subtitles were not available to me at the time. WILLKOMMEN IM THE EXPANSE WIKI! Especially since I've found the writing to be solid all season.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but shouldn't she have no idea who he is?I'm also presuming Miller is hallucinating because of the rad poisoning.

As for the rationale behind it.. well, when things get this lyrical, they often choose the symbolic/emotional impact over the internal logic - and with the largest part of an audience, you get away with it. So she's probably seen Miller. Miller and Julie Mao are dead, but before that tragedy, we learned the answer to the big hanging question from Miller’s plan didn’t work because Julie Mao’s protomolecule-infected body became the seed crystal to the collective consciousness of Eros Station. But her dreams were so vivid that they forced Eros into a collision course that would have spelled certain doom for Earth if it weren’t for the show’s disparate characters coming together to stop it.Still, for all the selfless acts between Earth trusting Fred Johnson, Holden and the He trudges into Eros Station, clinging to the 60-second fail-safe nuke that malfunctioned last week — a burden on top of a burden. Can't recall) favorite moments in the season.I wouldn't be surprised that's the reason the bird got re used there. Someone might have brought up that though the editing makes it appear it might be Julie, this vision might actually have been from Miller, who imagine himself entering the room with the bird he associated to Julie. Alright folks I've got a question about the latest episodes.

So it’s only appropriate that Miller finally found something that resembled the love of his life on Eros Station before they both careened into Venus, culminating in a fiery asteroid oblivion that saved the solar system. Anyway it doesn't matter too much, it was just something I couldn't logically work out.I've read somewhere that the shots of the bird are someone's (a producer? “You made a guy like me believe in something,” he tells her while removing his gear, thus dooming himself to protomolecule infection.

Klicke auf den Mitmachen-Knopf, den du … Edit: It seemed like she was asking to see something one more time.It's something like "Mommy, don't let him sell the Razorback" and then "I want to see it one more time"New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe Expanse is a space opera, mystery-sci-fi drama television series based on the bestselling novels of the same name by James S. A. Corey.Press J to jump to the feed. From what I understand Miller's hallucinations are different in the book and it's more to do with obsession and loneliness.Also feel free to spoil me, I'm in the process of reading the first book and have also read a wiki of how it ends.She doesn't know who he is - but does the protomolecule inside her know who he is?Probably just symbolism, Maybe they are trying to foreshadow the ending of season two and LW.Symbolism is usually more subtle and the OPA are not scum.It comes after Julie is asking why Dawes never replied to her message, while she's watching Dawes on the news.

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