croats or croatians

— You see, at risk of oversimplifying world affairs, governments increasingly are corrupt and tyrannical, but people are generally good. Currently there are parishes and churches in all the major urban communities, in addition to the community halls and cultural centres sponsored by political and fraternal organizations.

They tend to be darker around the coast and lighter towards the inland. For example, in Argentina the number reached 80,000, but only about 57% of Croats … PaolaIt would be a good idea to say who the authors of the map are: The map was a screenshot from this video bi IFilms USA and Croatian Film Institute, ii did not give any credits to source for the map used, Blanka. We allowed numerous people to use that map and never asked for anything apart from mentioning our society as the author, so it really shouldn’t be that hard to politely ask us and permission would be givenThat is the practice I keep always Blanka, and so should everyone else.

In 1989, the I never New all this before he told me about his experience.I had hard time absorbing it all – and now I can read and see what was happening. I hope none of what you did was in vain.Thank you Nick, may they rest in peace and we continue in their honourNick Zdunić, what do you mean by “even if the British did the right thing”?? That is the right thing to do Blanka. The large arrival of Croats in Chile began in 1864 and the migration grew steadily until 1956 – reaching a number of more than 6,000. It is bordered by Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Adriatic Sea. I was 20 years old when I escaped from Tito, and married a Croatian who was as a soldier on “Krizni Put” and after surviving that spent 12 year in Tito’s prison. which opened its first Canadian lodge in With the breakup of the former Yugoslav Republic in 1992, Croatia was officially recognized as an independent state. Very sad, I hope those innocents will forgive and may their souls rest in peace.But I must say that it is also very dangerous that this documentary does not attempt to mention that the largest portion of those victims were soldiers. Croats are white people from Southern Europe, specifically the north of Balkan and along the coast.

Comments on this website are the sole responsibility of their writers and the writer will take full responsibility, liability, and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. Thank you. Zvonko and Stipe were tried together with Mile Umljenović and Ruža Špoljarić in 1978 basically for taking care of the mass grave in Kaniža where Ivan Zdunić was buried with others. “Croatia, the War, and the Future” does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information on any other website or webpage.

t is only your silence that is required for evil to continue!!!!! And they were not regular soldiers, they were Ustashe who were known to be even worst than the Nazis. This is the year the first Croatian Catholic parish was established in Windsor.

The second front was the war of political propaganda centred on: misinformation about the rights of minorities in Croatia; portrayal of the Croatian people as Ustasha or Fascists; the representation of the Croatian defence forces as illegal paramilitary units; the representation of the Croatian and Slovenian republics as unreasonable secessionists who are unwilling to negotiate; a regurgitation of distorted facts about World War II.Indeed Croatia had an absolute right to defend itself and this is often forgotten if not often denied it.Blessed Alojzije (Aloysius) Stepinac Feast Day February 10“When they take everything from you, you’ll be left with two hands; put them together in prayer and then you’ll be the strongest.” Blessed Aloysius Stepinac (1898 – 1960)“They could not, nor will they ever be able to kill our passion and our need to live in human dignity, in peace with ourselves and with the free nations of Europe. The last war Croatians waged was the War of Independence against the mighty Yugoslav Army, the 5th strongest armed force in Europe at that time, in the first half of the 90s last century. We have carved out that right at our first democratic elections.

The Slovenian map is available here, it’s written in the Slovenian language and it includes only locations in Slovenia: Very sad to see so many innocent victims. It is the right thing to do. Bless you!

In memoriam to him and my grandfather I leave this message. Fraternal and self-help organizations were established, eg, the American-based Croatian Fraternal Union, They are mostly brown-eyed and have brown eyes. I am now 80 and counting my days – but I am trying to finish my memoirs. In Canada, many Croats took considerable pride in the celebration of their long-sought independence.The Roman Catholic Church, while unable to serve the isolated frontier communities of the 1920s and 1930s, has played a prominent role in Croatian Canadian life since 1950. We do not endorse or accept any responsibility for any views expressed or products or services offered on outside sites, or the organisations sponsoring those sites, or the safety of linking to those sites. Therefore we cannot place all victims in the same basket, not all victims are the same. Un abbraccio. Bleiburg Massacres of Croats: Tito – A Licence For Genocide May 15, 2020 by inavukic 22 Comments Map of mass graves of victims of communist Yugoslavia crimes against Croatians unearthed by May 2017 (since 1990)

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