chappie part 2

Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. But Chappie 2 should be made, just like wave your hand and make it." The worldwide screenings of the film gathered a total of 102 million dollars, with a budget of 49 million dollars. They try to make him reprogram the cyborg so that he obeys any order. Neil Blomkamp writes this thing and directs it but will be joined by M. Night to see if maybe they can capture the magic together!Remember how we pointed out how Taken and The Purge are money making mints? 35 News zu Chappie. Oh well, and throughout all of this, Wolverine hunts them. Plus, I think he needs to redeem himself. Production on Chappie 2 will begin this fall and won’t take more than a few months to complete.Wolverine is gone so I say they go all meta with it and hire Liev Schreiber as the primary antagonist (probably runs an evil corporation.Sharlto Copley did much of the acting of Chappie himself before they CGI’d in the robot so I really, REALLY wanna see Copley in the flesh be involved as a new, kind, Chappie mentor.And the kid from Slumdog Millionaire will be there because he’s got nothing else to do.Weren’t you paying attention when I mentioned this before? In the end, Chappie plans to murder one person and almost murders …

Directed by Neill Blomkamp. DON'T WORRY! I’m definitely enjoying the information.

chappie part 2

Welche (bislang) ungeplante Fortsetzung würdet ihr gerne sehen?Wie so oft sind auch bei Chappie die mauen Einspielergebnisse die Hauptursache dafür, dass es keine Fortsetzung geben, I was just kidding.