The Regional Veterinary Administration of South Bohemian Region, the State Veterinary Administration, performed a monitoring procedure within the framework of an emergency inspection in December 2012 focusing on the presence of radionuclides in wild boar meat. Samples of game were collected in all districts of the South Bohemian Region. This special inspection resulted in confirmation of above-limit values for the sum total of Cs137 and Cs134 radionuclides present in samples from two locations: Šumava National Park (Nová Pec area) and Novohradské Mountains (Kraví Hora and Jelení Hřbet hunting areas). Additional samples from the above-mentioned and adjacent hunting areas were collected at the beginning of 2013 focusing on more accurate geographical definition of the area in which increased values of radionuclides in wild boar meat are found. Emergency veterinary measures were issued to the users of hunting areas in which above-limit values of radionuclides Cs137 and Cs134 were repeatedly found.
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The radioactivity monitoring of wild boars in the South Bohemian Region
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The radioactivity monitoring of wild boars in the South Bohemian Region
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