The main product of rabbit breeding has always been and remains rabbit meat, which is one of the most valuable types of meat in terms of its composition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different genotypes of broiler rabbit used in intensive production on the basic parameters of fattening performance and selected indicators of carcass value. HYLA and HYPLUS rabbits, which were weaned at 35 days of age and placed in fattening cages, were the subject of this study. Six rabbits of each genotype were selected each week from the beginning of the experiment for determination of carcass value. The overall assessment showed that the HYLA rabbits showed a better growth rate and total liveweight gain in comparison with HYPLUS rabbits under our experimental conditions, though a rather worse average daily gain and feed consumption. In terms of carcass value it is not possible to clearly identify one or other genotype as better or worse, though the HYLA rabbits in our study achieved better results for the majority of carcass value parameters depending on age at slaughter.
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The effect of two genotypes on the dressing value of broiler rabbits
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The effect of two genotypes on the dressing value of broiler rabbits
Filename: maso-international-2012-1-page-027-033.pdf | Size: 585.6 KB | Downloads: 1756