The sensory properties of frankfurters and sausages are influenced by the seasonings and other flavourings used in their production. They are also significantly influenced by the composition of the ingredients used, the quality of these ingredients, the processing technology and casing materials used, by smoking and, not least, by their shelf life. In essence, seasonings and extracts standardise products in sensory terms and lend them an interesting taste sensation that makes the customer want to buy them again. Most of the familiar seasonings are used around the world in various meat products, generally in the form of ground, crushed and milled spices or even whole spices (particularly in sausages). As these products are generally consumed hot, the spices have the opportunity of developing within them and need not be used in such large quantities. This paper considers selected spices and seasonings used in the production of frankfurters and sausages.
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Seasoning in the production of frankfurters and sausages
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Seasoning in the production of frankfurters and sausages
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