Guidelines for Authors

This Journal Maso International is mainly dedicated to the publication of the new research articles, findings and reviews in the field of Food Science and Technology.


  1. Manuscripts are submitted by email (see email addresses in the column editorial board)
  2. Manuscript must be approved in its final form by the corresponding author

Procedure of the review process

  1. Manuscript must be prepared in the standard format for this journal following the “Instructions for manuscript”
  2. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to reject a manuscript that is not within the scope of the journal, does not meet the standards and requirements for publication
  3. Manuscript is independently reviewed by two reviewers that are anonymous to authors, the final decision concerning a revised manuscript is the responsibility of the Editorial Board
  4. Manuscript is after the translation in the English language send to the corresponding author
  5. Before printing, the final manuscript is sent as PDF file by E-mail to the corresponding author for the final correction
  6. Manuscript is published both in the journal and on-line

Instructions for manuscript

  1. The manuscript should not exceed maximum 10 standard numbered pages, with 2.5 cm margins and 1.5 spacing throughout, text in Times New Roman with size 12
  2. English language should be checked by a native speaker

Title page

  1. Short but informative full title (small letters, Latin names in italics)
  2. Whole names of authors (first names, middle and last names) and affiliation of each author
  3. Full postal address(es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out


  1. Must provide information on the study including the aim, materials and methods, results and conclusion about the priority and about the significance of this study
  2. No longer than 250 words
  3. Abbreviations and references should not be used


  1. Maximum 6 words


  1. To introduce the reader the purpose and significance of the work

Materials and Methods

  1. Include sufficient information for the reader to be able to replicate the work
  2. Techniques described in detail in other publications need not be repeated, major modifications to methods should be clearly described
  3. When using abbreviation, the term must be in full form followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, when it is first used
  4. In case of Latin names, follow the International Rules for Nomenclature
  5. Use SI units
  6. Subtitles can be used if this part is too long


  1. Do not repeat information from the Materials and Methods
  2. Use tables and figures


  1. Should interpret and evaluate the results clearly and concisely, and be as short as possible
  2. Use citations correctly (ordered according to year)
  3. References should be ordered chronologically in the text
  4. Conclusion or recommendation can be added at the end of Discussion

Examples how to write citations in the text

  1. (EFSA 2012)
  2. (Steinhauser and Kameník 1998)
  3. (Kameník et al. 1980; Steinhauser et al. 1998)


  1. Should be brief, and acknowledge only direct contribution to the work reported, financial or other support, including grant number


  1. List of references must be alphabetically ordered
  2. Only references to published work or work actually “in press” are permitted (avoid using “unpublished data“ or “personal communications“)
  3. Abstracts from local seminars, conferences, local prints etc. should be limited to a minimum
  4. Include names of all authors, abbreviation of journal according to the style used in the Web of Knowledge; journal volume must be in bold


  1. Journal: Zoe EF, Moe RP 1982: Meat is red. Meat Sci 21: 18-22
  2. Book: Zoe EF 1970: Meat and meat. Academic Press, Paris, 250 p.
  3. Chapters in book: Zoe EF 1996: Structure of meat. In: Fox VK (Ed.): Meat and Meat. Academic Press, Paris, pp. 201-210
  4. Internet source: Statistical Guidelines. J Vet Internal Med Web site. Available at: www.apls.jkndu.htm. Last modified July 10, 2010. Accessed September 13, 2012

Corresponding author

  1. Include: academic degree, name, institution, address, telephone, fax, e-mail


  1. Each table must be headed above by a self-explanatory title (without abbreviations) and numbered consecutively
  2. Vertical lines are not permitted, horizontal lines in minimum just to separate title and whole table
  3. All abbreviations used in table must be explained under table
  4. Do not use bold letters
  5. All tables must be referred to in text as Table 1, etc.

Figures (including Graphs and Photographs)

  1. Send the figures in format excel or as jpg, the photographs in original form: jpg, tiff
  2. Each figure (graph, photograph) must be headed under by a self-explanatory title (without abbreviation) and numbered consecutively
  3. All abbreviations used in figure must be explained under figure
  4. Component parts of figures can be labeled A, B, C etc.
  5. Symbols, arrows or letters used in photographs should contrast with the background
  6. All figures must be referred to in text as Fig. 1, etc.
  7. If illustration is reproduced from a published article or other material, a letter of copyright permission must be sent